Full-Stack Software Development

Bitcoin Nation States

My Role
Software Developer
May 2021 - Present

I was briefed with creating a map that allows users to search the legality of bitcoin by jurisdiction.

I used the following technologies/frameworks to create this map: 

  • HTML, CSS & Javascript.
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS and Express
  • MongoDB

The legal information was scraped from Wikipedia using a custom scraping script I created.

The different countries were created using GeoJSON data consisting of boundary coordinates for every country on Earth, which I had to clean before writing a script to display them.

The basic map was created using Google Maps API.

For displaying news, I created a script which maps the key words bitcoin, crypto and the country's name to a Google News API as well as a Crypto News API. This ensures that when a user searches for a specific country or location, the news they receive is related to it. I employed a similar technique when connecting to Twitter's API to display relevant tweets.

This project is ongoing.